The smart solution to food waste


microbiological technology

One of our early smart waste solutions, ORCA is the ultimate waste management system, leveraging the work of millions of microbes. 

ORCA uses microbiology, water, and oxygen to digest organic [food] waste onsite in your facility within 24 hours, drastically reducing the overall tonnage your waste disposal company needs to haul to landfill. Once ORCA has reduced your waste to a liquid, the remaining effluent goes directly from your ORCA down the drain, where it is transported through the sanitary sewer system to your local wastewater treatment plant (WWTP).  The resulting effluent is comprised of 75% water, 20% carbs, fats & protein, and 5% minerals. Wastewater treatment plants can use these by-products to produce renewable [bio]fuels and natural fertilizers. 

It’s compact, efficient, saves on labor, is remarkably clean and undeniably green. ORCA embodies the concept of a hyperlocal, distributed technology.